Best ssh setup for windows

I’ve tried quite a few different setups for administering my various linux boxen from Windows, and this is currently my favourite: Mintty for WSL (aka WSLtty). Here’s how to set it up. Install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL): Open Powershell as an administrator Enter this command:Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux When…

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Copy Folders without Files

If you want to copy a complete folder structure, but not the files contained in it, use robocopy from the command line: robocopy “A:\Source folder” “B:\Destination folder” /e /xf * This is lifted straight from, I’m just putting it here for my quick reference.

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Gimp Plugin – fixed crop

This is a simple script to crop a plugin with fixed dimensions – I used it to crop out the window border from a VNC Client connected to an industrial touchscreen. (script-fu-register “script-fu-crop” ;func name “Screenshot Crop” ;menu label “Crops an image to a fixed size” ;description “Sandy Scott” ;author…

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