Allen Bradley Micro810 LCD Characters

If you’re the curious type (quite possible) and you’ve been playing with an Allen Bradley Micro810 (less likely) you might have wondered what special characters you can put on the screen.

And you’d stay curious if you tried to find the answer in the Allen Bradley Documentation, because it’s shit: It doesn’t even tell you how many characters there are on a each line. Incidentally, the answer is 16.

Entering the characters into strings is pretty easy – just type $ followed by the 2 digit Hex code. e.g. ‘Hello$21’ would appear as Hello!.

The first 32 are dramatically different to the ASCII standard, and well worth knowing about, but there are a few others different 5C,5E & 7F. Codes 80 to FF are less useful, but there are a few accented characters in there that might be of use, depending on which language you use.

I wrote a simple program to show every code across 4 pages – use the left and right buttons to switch between them. This was prepared with Connected Components Workbench 22.0.0 for a Micro810 with v7 firmware.

Characters 00 – 3F (0-63)

Loads of goodies in here, look!

HEXDECSymbolASCII DescriptionMicro810 Display
000NULNull charSpace
011SOHStart of HeadingEmpty Box
022STXStart of TextFilled Box
033ETXEnd of TextUp/down arrows
044EOTEnd of TransmissionDouble down arrow
055ENQEnquiryDouble Up arrow
066ACKAcknowledgmentFilled Box
077BELBellVertical Bar
088BSBack SpaceFilled box with hole
099HTHorizontal TabCircle
0A10LFLine FeedFilled box with circle
0B11VTVertical TabMale Symbol
0C12FFForm FeedFemale Symbol
0D13CRCarriage Return1 musical note
0E14SOShift Out / X-On2 musical notes
0F15SIShift In / X-OffStar
1016DLEData Line EscapeRight Arrow
1117DC1Device Control 1 (oft. XON)Left arrow
1218DC2Device Control 2Up/down arrow thin
1319DC3Device Control 3 (oft. XOFF)Something, not sure what
1420DC4Device Control 4Vertical line
1521NAKNegative AcknowledgementSection sign
1622SYNSynchronous IdleSmall filled box
1723ETBEnd of Transmit BlockUp/down arrow 3
1824CANCancelUp arrow thin
1925EMEnd of MediumDown arrow thin
1A26SUBSubstituteRight arrow thin
1B27ESCEscapeLeft arrow thin
1C28FSFile SeparatorSmall “L”
1D29GSGroup SeparatorLef/Right arrow thin
1E30RSRecord SeparatorUp Arrow
1F31USUnit SeparatorDown arrow
2033 Space 
2133!Exclamation mark 
2234Double quotes (or speech marks) 
2739Single quote 
2840(Open parenthesis (or open bracket) 
2941)Close parenthesis (or close bracket) 
2E46.Period, dot or full stop 
2F47/Slash or divide 
3C60<Less than (or open angled bracket) 
3E62>Greater than (or close angled bracket) 
3F63?Question mark 

Characters 40-7F

Most of these are pretty similar to standard ASCII, but with a few exceptions

HEXDECSymbolASCII DescriptionMicro810 Display
4064@At symbol 
4165AUppercase A 
4266BUppercase B 
4367CUppercase C 
4468DUppercase D 
4569EUppercase E 
4670FUppercase F 
4771GUppercase G 
4872HUppercase H 
4973IUppercase I 
4A74JUppercase J 
4B75KUppercase K 
4C76LUppercase L 
4D77MUppercase M 
4E78NUppercase N 
4F79OUppercase O 
5080PUppercase P 
5181QUppercase Q 
5282RUppercase R 
5383SUppercase S 
5484TUppercase T 
5585UUppercase U 
5686VUppercase V 
5787WUppercase W 
5888XUppercase X 
5989YUppercase Y 
5A90ZUppercase Z 
5B91[Opening bracket 
5C92\BackslashWeird Portcullis thing
5D93]Closing bracket 
5E94^Caret – circumflexRight arrow tall (Cursor)
6096`Grave accent 
6197aLowercase a 
6298bLowercase b 
6399cLowercase c 
64100dLowercase d 
65101eLowercase e 
66102fLowercase f 
67103gLowercase g 
68104hLowercase h 
69105iLowercase i 
6A106jLowercase j 
6B107kLowercase k 
6C108lLowercase l 
6D109mLowercase m 
6E110nLowercase n 
6F111oLowercase o 
70112pLowercase p 
71113qLowercase q 
72114rLowercase r 
73115sLowercase s 
74116tLowercase t 
75117uLowercase u 
76118vLowercase v 
77119wLowercase w 
78120xLowercase x 
79121yLowercase y 
7A122zLowercase z 
7B123{Opening brace 
7C124|Vertical bar 
7D125}Closing brace 
7E126~Equivalency sign – tilde 
7F127 DeleteSquare Root sign

Characters 80-BF

A couple of Asian characters, and some common accented letters

HEXDECSymbolMicro810 Display
90144Asian Symbol
91145Asian Symbol
A1161áLowercase a with acute
A3163àLowercase a with grave
A5165éLowercase e with acute
A7167èLowercase e with grave
A9169ÍUppercase I with acute
AD173óLowercase o with acute
B8184üLowercase u with diaeresis
B9185êLowercase e with circumflex

Characters C0-FF

A bunch of accented characters – these seem to be aligned to Unicode code points

HEXDECSymbolMicro810 DisplayUnicode
C0192ÀUppercase A with gravematch
C1193ÁUppercase A with acutematch
C2194ÂUppercase A with circumflexmatch
C3195ÃUppercase A with tildematch
C4196ÄUppercase A with diaeresismatch
C5197ȦUppercase A with overdotÅ: Uppercase A with overring
(Ȧ: Uppercase A with overdot is at U+0226)
C6198ÆUppercase AEmatch
C8200ÈUppercase E with gravematch
C9201ÉUppercase E with acutematch
CA202ÊUppercase E with circumflexmatch
CB203ËUppercase E with diaeresismatch
CC204ÌUppercase I with gravematch
CD205ÍUppercase I with acutematch
CE206ÎUppercase I with circumflexmatch
CF207ÏUppercase I with diaeresismatch
D0208ÐUppercase Ethmatch
D1209ÑUppercase N with tildematch
D2210ÒUppercase O with gravematch
D3211ÓUppercase O with acutematch
D4212ÔUppercase O with circumflexmatch
D5213ÕUppercase O with tildematch
D6214ÖUppercase O with diaeresismatch
D9217ÙUppercase U with gravematch
DA218ÚUppercase U with acutematch
DB219ÛUppercase U with circumflexmatch
DC220ÜUppercase U with diaeresismatch
DD221ÝUppercase Y with acutematch
E0224àLowercase a with gravematch
E1225áLowercase a with acutematch
E2226âLowercase a with circumflexmatch
E3227ãLowercase a with tildematch
E4228äLowercase a with diaeresismatch
E5229ȧLowercase a with overdotå: Lowercase a with overring
(ȧ: Lowercase a with overdot is at U+0227)
E6230æLowercase aematch
E8232èLowercase e with gravematch
E9233éLowercase e with acutematch
EA234êLowercase e with circumflexmatch
EB235ëLowercase e with diaeresismatch
EC236ìLowercase i with gravematch
ED237íLowercase i with acutematch
EE238îLowercase i with circumflexmatch
EF239ïLowercase i with diaeresismatch
F1241ñLowercase n with tildematch
F2242òLowercase o with gravematch
F3243óLowercase o with acutematch
F4244ôLowercase o with circumflexmatch
F5245õLowercase o with tildematch
F6246öLowercase o with diaeresismatch
F9249ùLowercase u with gravematch
FA250úLowercase u with acutematch
FB251ûLowercase u with circumflexmatch
FC252üLowercase u with diaeresismatch
FD253ýLowercase y with acutematch
FF255ÿLowercase y with diaeresismatch

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