Allen Bradley Micro810 LCD Characters

Updated, now that I’ve found out how to directly enter a character code

Updated again. I’ve lost all the uploads to this site, so while the tables might still be useful, you’ll need to generate the characters youself if you want to see them.

If you’re the curious type (quite possible) and you’ve been playing with an Allen Bradley Micro810 (less likely) you might have wondered what special characters you can put on the screen.

And you’d stay curious if you tried to find the answer in the Allen Bradley Documentation, because it’s shit: It doesn’t even tell you how many characters there are on a each line. Incidentally, the answer is 16.

So, in an attempt to remedy the situation, I wrote a simple program which displays every character. Unfortuantely this was lost, but it shouldn’t be hard to re-create it. You will need Connected Components Workbench.

Entering the characters into strings is pretty easy – just type $ followed by the 2 digit Hex code. e.g. ‘Hello$21’ would appear as Hello!.

The first 32 are dramatically different to the ASCII standard, and well worth knowing about, but there are a few others different 5C,5E & 7F. Codes 80 to FF are less useful, but there are a few accented characters in there that might be of use, depending on which language you use.

Characters 00 – 3F (0-63)

Loads of goodies in here, look!

HEX DEC Symbol ASCII Description Micro810 Display
00 0 NUL Null char Space
01 1 SOH Start of Heading Empty Box
02 2 STX Start of Text Filled Box
03 3 ETX End of Text Up/down arrows
04 4 EOT End of Transmission Double down arrow
05 5 ENQ Enquiry Double Up arrow
06 6 ACK Acknowledgment Filled Box
07 7 BEL Bell Vertical Bar
08 8 BS Back Space Filled box with hole
09 9 HT Horizontal Tab Circle
0A 10 LF Line Feed Filled box with circle
0B 11 VT Vertical Tab Male Symbol
0C 12 FF Form Feed Female Symbol
0D 13 CR Carriage Return 1 musical note
0E 14 SO Shift Out / X-On 2 musical notes
0F 15 SI Shift In / X-Off Star
10 16 DLE Data Line Escape Right Arrow
11 17 DC1 Device Control 1 (oft. XON) Left arrow
12 18 DC2 Device Control 2 Up/down arrow thin
13 19 DC3 Device Control 3 (oft. XOFF) Something, not sure what
14 20 DC4 Device Control 4 Vertical line
15 21 NAK Negative Acknowledgement Section sign
16 22 SYN Synchronous Idle Small filled box
17 23 ETB End of Transmit Block Up/down arrow 3
18 24 CAN Cancel Up arrow thin
19 25 EM End of Medium Down arrow thin
1A 26 SUB Substitute Right arrow thin
1B 27 ESC Escape Left arrow thin
1C 28 FS File Separator Small “L”
1D 29 GS Group Separator Lef/Right arrow thin
1E 30 RS Record Separator Up Arrow
1F 31 US Unit Separator Down arrow
20 33 Space
21 33 ! Exclamation mark
22 34 Double quotes (or speech marks)
23 35 # Number
24 36 $ Dollar
25 37 % Percentage
26 38 & Ampersand
27 39 Single quote
28 40 ( Open parenthesis (or open bracket)
29 41 ) Close parenthesis (or close bracket)
2A 42 * Asterisk
2B 43 + Plus
2C 44 , Comma
2D 45 Hyphen
2E 46 . Period, dot or full stop
2F 47 / Slash or divide
30 48 0 Zero
31 49 1 One
32 50 2 Two
33 51 3 Three
34 52 4 Four
35 53 5 Five
36 54 6 Six
37 55 7 Seven
38 56 8 Eight
39 57 9 Nine
3A 58 : Colon
3B 59 ; Semicolon
3C 60 < Less than (or open angled bracket)
3D 61 = Equals
3E 62 > Greater than (or close angled bracket)
3F 63 ? Question mark

Characters 40-7F

Most of these are pretty similar to standard ASCII, but with a few exceptions

HEX DEC Symbol ASCII Description Micro810 Display
40 64 @ At symbol
41 65 A Uppercase A
42 66 B Uppercase B
43 67 C Uppercase C
44 68 D Uppercase D
45 69 E Uppercase E
46 70 F Uppercase F
47 71 G Uppercase G
48 72 H Uppercase H
49 73 I Uppercase I
4A 74 J Uppercase J
4B 75 K Uppercase K
4C 76 L Uppercase L
4D 77 M Uppercase M
4E 78 N Uppercase N
4F 79 O Uppercase O
50 80 P Uppercase P
51 81 Q Uppercase Q
52 82 R Uppercase R
53 83 S Uppercase S
54 84 T Uppercase T
55 85 U Uppercase U
56 86 V Uppercase V
57 87 W Uppercase W
58 88 X Uppercase X
59 89 Y Uppercase Y
5A 90 Z Uppercase Z
5B 91 [ Opening bracket
5C 92 \ Backslash Weird Portcullis thing
5D 93 ] Closing bracket
5E 94 ^ Caret – circumflex Right arrow tall (Cursor)
5F 95 _ Underscore
60 96 ` Grave accent
61 97 a Lowercase a
62 98 b Lowercase b
63 99 c Lowercase c
64 100 d Lowercase d
65 101 e Lowercase e
66 102 f Lowercase f
67 103 g Lowercase g
68 104 h Lowercase h
69 105 i Lowercase i
6A 106 j Lowercase j
6B 107 k Lowercase k
6C 108 l Lowercase l
6D 109 m Lowercase m
6E 110 n Lowercase n
6F 111 o Lowercase o
70 112 p Lowercase p
71 113 q Lowercase q
72 114 r Lowercase r
73 115 s Lowercase s
74 116 t Lowercase t
75 117 u Lowercase u
76 118 v Lowercase v
77 119 w Lowercase w
78 120 x Lowercase x
79 121 y Lowercase y
7A 122 z Lowercase z
7B 123 { Opening brace
7C 124 | Vertical bar
7D 125 } Closing brace
7E 126 ~ Equivalency sign – tilde
7F 127 Delete Square Root sign

Characters 80-BF

A couple of accented letters, but not much else.

Characters C0-FF

A solitary asian symbol (I have no idea which language it’s from) and some more accents.

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